Upcoming Launch Schedule

ROCC 2023-2024 Launch Schedule:

All launches are at the Midland, NC site unless otherwise stated.*

Apr. 20, 2024 (21st very doubtful due to rain)

May 18 & 19, 2024

Jun. 15 & 16, 2024 (Field Permitting)

Here are some other launch opportunities in our area:

ICBM & ROSCO, better known as South Carolina Rocketry, flies near Dalzelle, SC., Just NE of Shaw AFB.  More information can be gotten at their site HERE

The Saturn Rocketry Club in Hendersonville is currently switching their launch field. As soon as we know where they land we will post it. Their FB site is HERE

NC Rocketry flies at Bayboro, NC in the northeast part of the state, information is HERE

 Set-up starts at about 9:30, launches commence about 10:30. Field closes about 60 min. before local dusk so we can clean up. Watch the site front page for specifics. Also visit us on FaceBook. You can also check for the FAA NOTAM at https://notams.aim.faa.gov/notamSearch/nsapp.html#/ and using KCLT (Charlotte) as the location. This will give you the starting and ending times for HP flights. 

* If field is available due to crops, etc.

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December 2022 Post-Launch Report

17 – 18,  December 2022, Post-Launch Report.


Yes, both days had very different weather conditions. Saturday was not very good but Sunday was great.


Ken Allen of Performance Hobbies,

 Ken was someplace up north I believe.



Steve Brown, we found your “Rascal” and your “Rocket Flight Log Book”.

Jaycob Gray, was able to pick up his two rockets found from last month.

Check the box, we have a lot of nose cones, LP chutes  and other odd items.

As a note, when you are walking across the fields, keep your eyes open on the ground for anything. Not all motor casings look alike. Also there are mini altimeters, nosecones, motor retainers, ect.

Pictures. Check the Gallery for launch photo’s.  We see everyone is    taking photo’s.   Lets Get them onto the ROCC Club WEB Site Gallery.

Just contact Doc Russell at rocketrycarolina@gmail.com, “or” as some have done, pass it on a disk, memory card or flash drive

ROCC Club Membership  covers the costs of maintaining the launch equipment, supplies and our association fees with the “National Association of Rocketry” and the “Tripoli Rocketry Association” which covers our insurance.

For memberships, check it out at the launch site.

We also now have new envelopes with a membership form that can be picked up filled out at the site or taken home and then filed out and brought back.

ROCC Club “T” Shirt’s, are limited right now but can be purchased as the supplies last until a new source is obtained. Check on styles and colors available at the launch.

Remember, the Donation Box goes to the Land Owner. Please Donate.

We have been running short on the “Rent” to the landowner the last few months.


Saturday, 17 December, 2022

The weather was chilly to cold with a grey overcast all day, though not so bad in the morning during setup. We actually got a bit heated while working. The breeze got more windy later in the day which allowed the chill to get through to you. Between the “scary” early morning weather forecast boasting rather unfavorable conditions and pre-holiday obligations for others, we did expect a small attendance. But we had only 3 cars of curious visitors drop in. Ralph put up his Estes Patriot a couple of times on C6-5’s as Demo flights for the visitors. One, a Dad with his kids was a flier in his youth and wanted to show his kids what he did. He plans on coming out again.

Farmer Kip and his young son spent part of the day hanging out with us telling stories with Ralph, myself and Terry Baucom, (a old flyer who dropped by to see the old gang).


We had  0   fliers,  and flew  0  flights and burnt   0  motors.

This includes all   clusters and   multi-stage  flights

A= 0,   B= 0,   C= 0,   D= 0,   E= 0,   F= 0,   G= 0,   H= 0,   I= 0,   J= 0,   K= 0.


Remember, what I write is influenced by your penmanship and spelling.


Sunday, 18 December, 2022

What a difference it was. Nothing but clear blue skies and a minimal breeze. (it did increase to a low wind by the end of the day, but less than Saturday) It was suppose to be colder but with the sun hitting the open fields like a solar collector, it was quite comfortable. Duane Dominick was t-shirt all day.


We had  6   fliers,  and flew  25  flights and burnt   28  motors.

This includes all   clusters and   multi-stage  flights

A= 0,   B= 3,   C= 2,   D= 2,   E= 5,   F= 5,   G= 4,   H= 4,   I= 3,   J= 0,   K= 0.


Remember, what I write is influenced by your penmanship and spelling.


Duane (part polar bear) Dominick, brought out his 4in LOC “Mini Magg” loaded with a I125-9 long burning, white thunder motor. Unfortunately, there was so much white motor smoke to know the actual sequence of events. But there was both a forward and rear closure failure, and the long fuel grain fell out burning from both ends. That White Thunder produces a lot of smoke, Luckily, there was no fire and the rocket apparently sustained no or minimal damage.

Jacob Grey, flew his 4in LOC “War Lock” on a faster I540-10 white thunder motor with a motor ejection at apogee with a Jolly Logic chute deployment at 500ft. Jacob flew his custom designed “Rocket-2” (recovered from last month) on a B4-2 and B6-4’s and a larger version “Rocket-2 XL” (looks like the Rail Gun projectile tested by the Navy) on a E12-4 and a E16-4. His custom “Project-017” flew on a E12-4 and a F15-6.

Paul Kraemer, flew his classic 4in LOC, “LOC-IV” on a H169-9 with a motor ejection and Jolly Logic chute release at 500ft. His cluster rocket (LOC?) “Ultimate” flew with only three H238-0’s out of the five motors possible, with electronic ejection at apogee with a drogue chute and then a electronic chute deployment at 500ft. Paul’s cluster rocket “Quadrafonic”(?) flew with two G150-0’s also with an electronic ejection at apogee with drogue chute and a electronic chute deployment at 500ft. His “Vertical Assault” flew on a single CTI I170-0 and again, also with an electronic ejection at apogee with a drogue chute and a electronic chute deployment at 500ft.

Roy Potter, I played with my mid power rear ejection rockets. “Orange-1/2” flew on a C6-3, “White-1” flew on a D12-3, “Yellow-2” flew on a E12-4, “Blue-3” flew on a F52-5. Flown earlier, the Cursed “Orange-4” flew on my last old G35-4” that ‘chuffed’ on the pad like last month, but finally built up enough pressure to lift off after burning most of the fuel on the pad. So it didn’t have the thrust to go straight up against gravity, so took the path of least resistance and went mostly horizontal to the tree line in the north west corner just short of the fence line. I thought it went into the far field but the trees slowed it down.

Ralph Roberts had made the two “Demo” flights on Saturday with his Estes “Patriot” on C6-5’s.

Doc Russell, flew the sleek “Stilleto” Jet Fighter looking rocket on a Q-Jet D16-6 that seemed to stick on the rod so it didn’t get enough altitude before motor ejecting the chute before darting. It didn’t look to bad though. Doc’s “Der ‘Big’ Red Max” flew on a F67-6. His “Big Goblin” also flew on a F67-6 . The commemorative  “TARC-2019” also flew on a F67-7, all perfect flights.   I think his last flight was the Great “Flying Pyramid  O’Death” flying on a G77-0 with a air drag stability upward flight and then a air drag tumble recovery. Very impressive.



Watch the Facebook postings and web site for the next  launch.

Just remember, keep the pointy end up and your exhaust nozzle clear.